Prank Calls
Listen to outrageous prank call podcasts, filled with clever setups and unsuspecting victims. Free streaming for endless laughs and mischief!

Half Brothers
Spank Calls
Prank Phone Calls
Im 27 years old and I make prank phone's sad. I've been working in radio for the last 6 years and hosted my own night show for a top 40 radio station where I began making these phone calls. My calls are mostly just stupid funny..I don't really try to be shocking and use profanity, it happens sometimes, but I think you can still make awesome pranks without calling someone a shit face over the phone to get a reaction.
My first CD is coming out soon, more details la...

Quicksand Suite
Johanna Renfro
Lyrical, miracle, musical mile, greatness never goes out of style
Jerusha Band was formed in San Bernardino, CA back in 1969 when Roger met John, & Keith met John, and after some members came and went, it was just the 3 of them left....they called the band 69th Sundown, Ceasar, then Jerusha, and finally, Jerusha Band.
John transitioned as Johanna, and has been the lead guitarist of the band from the beginning, along with Keith 'Buzzy' Wolk, Bass, the only 2 members who have played the whole

eurocop lunarcop
EuroCop Radio
ej aktuell beskrivning: Eurocop spelar in grejer och saender busringningar i webbradio pa skoj.
Välkommen till Eurocops officiella soundclicksida
Den här sidan använde vi för att ladda upp klipp fram till ungefär 2014. Soundclicksidan används inte längre. Gå in på eurocops site och skaffa Där finns allt.
Max Levin Eurocop
Samtal med knugen
Vett och etikett
Handen innanför trosan
Knarkaren i Odense
Vad håller dåren på med
Lasse Bengtssons paket

Southern Crawfish
They have the potential to eat most foods, even nutrient poor material such as grass, leaves, and paper, but can be highly selective and need variety to balance
Eat me: this is where most of their food is obtained - at the sediment/water interface in ponds, lakes, swamps, or burrows. When the gut contents are analysed, most of the contents is mud: fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) and mixed particles of lignin and cellulose (roots, leaves, bark, wood).

Funny Phone Call
Michael Bennett
Welcome to my music pages. Look around and I hope you'll find something that you like.
Being able to play and enjoy music
is a gift that's often taken for granted.
This music is a mixture of my own creations,
along with some collaborations with others.

Gym Cat
Crazy and Offensive Pranks Improvised by one of the Best Prank Callers Ever. Racists, Sexual, dirty, outrageous prank calls that are made up completetly off the
You can find me on youtube, I have two channels ' joshjak ' and ' JAK Comedy '
I don't even plan out what i'm gonna say when i do my pranks, i just dial up random houses and businesses and say crazy shit. I NEED FEEDBACK!I need your

going gang edit b
Roger mc
rogermc electronicjazz
straigth from the keys. by digital connextions. enjoy while they last.

It Works retailer
Welcome to... my official prank calls page. hahaha. Let me know if you had a laugh!

Juuann Calls Rick Jabs Answering Machine
West Coast Canadian Born June 7 1979 When Rap Was Born !!!! All Kinds Of Rap , J Child Don't Stop Baby !!!
Step Daddy J started rappen when he was 10 years old in 1990 . Public Enemy , EPMD , Naughted By Nature , House Of Pain , PM Dawn where some strong early influences .
Step Daddy J started High School September 1992 and was introduced to Gangsta Rap by his East Indian Class Mates . They taught tha J Child about Ice T , Ice Cube , N.W.A. , Ghetto Boys and Luke . Step Daddy J loved this
$25 $12

Thomas Tee calls Whataburger
Thomas Tee and Friends
We make prank calls to all different places.
This was done one summer when me and my friends were bored and just started making prank calls.

Squids At High Noon
Kid Banshee
Just another broken mind trying not to be buried before i'm dead.
I keep a 2 part diary that's mostly wordless. This is part 2.

Pranking Ex CoWorker (Prankdial)
My main page is and it contains hip hop and other genre instrumentals and full songs. This page is for prank calls that I've done thro
My main page is and it contains hip hop and other genre instrumentals and full songs. This page is for prank calls that I've done through and through CallerIDFaker Voice Changer. Enjoy :)

JoshPranks - Bank Rob (Prank Call)
E-Motion-L Productions
Click PRO PAGE on the menu to lease any beats! Contact for inquiries/exclusives! 04/05/22 New free beat *Awesome* added!

GWAMBA:The band.defying description,but easily accessible.incredibly deep, but dangerously shallow.In many publications and reviews the word 'unique' appea