
Use spaces, add comma to separate keywords ("drake, hip hop, beats")

Stream music and buy beats tagged 'vote'. Discover tracks described as 'rock, indie, alternative, industrial, 2020, newmusic, grunge, usa'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Artist Match


Detroit, MI  USA
Song title
Picture for song 'VOTE ON ETERNAL HUS PLANET X OVER EARTH' by artist 'hendrixseattle'



richest guiness advoacy jeff bezo thousand islands kyle artz mystik ceo phelps family conservatives stephen harper

mystik ceo beats4legends will synthesis seattle mariners seattle centre a point thousand island drill 12 monkeys vapors oxy kore oxy never forget unforgiven stephen harper arms trade treaty new york pure irs familys advoacy open milling irs marriages on this sue get money infinite market used my work sue any nations bank get rich

Alternative - Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Vote Tory again - Stewart Whibley' by artist 'coventrysingersongwriters'

Vote Tory again - Stewart Whibley


Acoustic - Acoustic General

Picture for song 'vote 2oust' by artist 'BRICKCITYCYRUS'

vote 2oust


I go by BrickCityCyrus need beats? Well here are some of my latest.

Welcome Soundclick, hope to link with a special artist and make music. I go by BrickCityCyrus. I am music producer who focuses mainly on Hip Hop beats. I like to blend my Hip Hop sounds with sound influenced from other genre such as Pop, Rock, Reggaeton, etc. I'm here to promote my beats. Any questions feel free to ask. Email is

Beats - Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Confidence Man' by artist 'Aingell'

Confidence Man


#pop #rock #indie #universal

Alternative - Indie

Picture for song 'DOUG for PRESIDENT' by artist 'THE STEVIE HAYES BAND'



Stevie Hayes Band

Feel free to text Stevie Hayes by contacting this site here.  Nice teen white girls, contact me.

Country - Rockabilly

Picture for song 'Make You' by artist 'lungbuttur'

Make You


Grunge, metal, alternative, folk music with deep and twisted songs. Showing the comedy of the darkness and the darkness in the comedy.

Lungbuttur was formed in 1996 by Camile Dominique Houle there have been 8 members of Lungbuttur some are active some are not but all remain part of the family throughout the years and have had there say in final production of every song before they come out (Dan Cooper, Kevin Chizik, Jason Evans, Jason Ravenhorst, Adam Popowich, Luke Baird and Mike Dalla Betta...

Alternative - Grunge No samples

Picture for song 'Guh Vote - Jahmatics' by artist 'Jahmatics'

Guh Vote - Jahmatics


World - Dancehall

Picture for song 'Pirates2020' by artist 'KingJeffTHEproducer'




$5 Latin - Reggaeton

Picture for song 'Trapped After Dark *For Sale*' by artist 'Amay Got Beats'

Trapped After Dark *For Sale*

Amay Got Beats

Producer | Artist | Writer

Beats - Trap

Picture for song 'Mine * For Sale *' by artist 'Amay Got Beats'

Mine * For Sale *

Amay Got Beats

Producer | Artist | Writer

Beats - Trap

Picture for song 'Who's Gonna Save Us Now' by artist 'Christie Josef and The Purpose'

Who's Gonna Save Us Now

Christie Josef and The Purpose

Christie Josef & The Purpose, a Portland, OR Indie folk rock band playing songs with meaning and hope that humanity can navigate and save itself and our planet.

I am an indie-rock singer/songwriter who released a CD, Spark A Ripple in June 2014. 
The songs represent my attempt to understand what goes on around me and why it matters.  Isn't it time for us to take personal responsibilty for our circumstances and the state of our planet? 
 For me it is about truth, integrity, compassion and ki...

Rock - Folk Rock

Picture for song 'Corbyn rejects empire and wins votes' by artist 'Unusual Sources'

Corbyn rejects empire and wins votes

Unusual Sources

Unusual Sources is an anti-war radio program that covers issues from a labour perspective. For more information, see About Unusual Sources.


Podcasts - Politics

Picture for song 'It's The Money' by artist 'mfaith2'

It's The Money


World & Modern rhythms, distinctive and expressive vocals, indie rock to Afro-Caribbean, Soundtrack, Electronica and Classic Country

I am a songwriter. Whenever I am strongly moved I get a song. They come  lyric and melody, a verse or chorus with imagined instrumentation I can never quite reproduce.
I used to bring my songs to the band, start singing with my clumsy guitar or keyboard  playing outlines and the band would fill in the colors, bringing the song to life.
     These days I am cra...

Alternative - Alternative General

Picture for song 'I Wanna Be Elected (Al Gore)' by artist 'Johnny Fubar'

I Wanna Be Elected (Al Gore)

Johnny Fubar

Just a guitar hacker writing and recording original music in my home studio.  I have enough tools to be dangerous LOL.

Would love a real band to cover and make any of my songs their own.  I think some of the songs are good, better than I have the ability to do them justice.  If interested, reach out...

Podcasts - Comedy - Political Humor

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