
Use spaces, add comma to separate keywords ("drake, hip hop, beats")

Stream music and buy beats tagged 'tivigunz'. Discover tracks described as 'remix, dembow, chino, dominicano, republicadominicana, gunz, rd, tivi'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Picture for song 'El Kilo (Remix) Tivi Gunz ft. NTG' by artist 'Chino La Bendicion'

El Kilo (Remix) Tivi Gunz ft. NTG

Chino La Bendicion

Chino, is a Peruvian American rapper from New York. He is an up coming artist collaborating with big names in Dominican Republic.

Hip-Hop - Hip Hop General 90 BPM

Picture for song 'Menol ft. Tivi Gunz (Prod. by Babilom)' by artist 'El Perrote WZ'

Menol ft. Tivi Gunz (Prod. by Babilom)

El Perrote WZ

El Página Oficial del Artista Urbano El Perrote Wz

Features/Reservas: +1-516-615-8081  
Sitioweb: www.3rdeyerecords.com/

Latin - General Latin No samples

Picture for song 'Sistema Carcelero ft. Tivi Gunz, Harryson y Jessy' by artist 'El Perrote WZ'

Sistema Carcelero ft. Tivi Gunz, Harryson y Jessy

El Perrote WZ

El Página Oficial del Artista Urbano El Perrote Wz

Features/Reservas: +1-516-615-8081  
Sitioweb: www.3rdeyerecords.com/

Latin - General Latin No samples

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