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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'robertjones'. Discover tracks described as 'lute, lutesong, 1st booke, elizabethan airs, 2nd booke, elizaethan, first booke of songes, ayres'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Can Modest Plain Desire (Jones 1600) [Take 1
I am from Canada. I have lived in Japan for many years. I have studied the Lute music of Robert Jones (fl. 1597 to 1617) for a long while. His music is often lighter and funnier than the music of John Dowland. I can ride a bicycle.

Soft Cupid Soft, (Jones' Muses Gardin from 1610
I am from Canada. I have lived in Japan for many years. I have studied the Lute music of Robert Jones (fl. 1597 to 1617) for a long while. His music is often lighter and funnier than the music of John Dowland. I can ride a bicycle.

Lead By A Strong Desire (Jones 1600 v)
I am from Canada. I have lived in Japan for many years. I have studied the Lute music of Robert Jones (fl. 1597 to 1617) for a long while. His music is often lighter and funnier than the music of John Dowland. I can ride a bicycle.

Whither runneth my sweet heart? (Jones 1601 XII. [
Elisha Zaporelostzi's first performances were the Open Stages put on by the Bytown Live in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. It is how Neil Young and Joni Mitchell started. Phreap magazine is a one page thing that went around Ottawa in the 1980s. Now it is a web site; With the help of Joe-Charly Smith, Molly Ding, Calhoon-Fred Febealie, and Butter Jones I was able to put out Phreap magazine.

A Woman's Looks (Jones 1600 i
Elisha Zaporelostzi's first performances were the Open Stages put on by the Bytown Live in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. It is how Neil Young and Joni Mitchell started. Phreap magazine is a one page thing that went around Ottawa in the 1980s. Now it is a web site; With the help of Joe-Charly Smith, Molly Ding, Calhoon-Fred Febealie, and Butter Jones I was able to put out Phreap magazine.

Did ever man thus love as I? (Jones 1601 XIX
Elisha Zaporelostzi's first performances were the Open Stages put on by the Bytown Live in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. It is how Neil Young and Joni Mitchell started. Phreap magazine is a one page thing that went around Ottawa in the 1980s. Now it is a web site; With the help of Joe-Charly Smith, Molly Ding, Calhoon-Fred Febealie, and Butter Jones I was able to put out Phreap magazine.

Dainty darling kind (Jones 1601xv
Elisha Zaporelostzi's first performances were the Open Stages put on by the Bytown Live in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. It is how Neil Young and Joni Mitchell started. Phreap magazine is a one page thing that went around Ottawa in the 1980s. Now it is a web site; With the help of Joe-Charly Smith, Molly Ding, Calhoon-Fred Febealie, and Butter Jones I was able to put out Phreap magazine.

How Many New Years (Jones1610/viii Tk7 Mix1
Elisha Zaporelostzi's first performances were the Open Stages put on by the Bytown Live in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. It is how Neil Young and Joni Mitchell started. Phreap magazine is a one page thing that went around Ottawa in the 1980s. Now it is a web site; With the help of Joe-Charly Smith, Molly Ding, Calhoon-Fred Febealie, and Butter Jones I was able to put out Phreap magazine.

How Many New Years (Jones1610/viii Tk4 Mix5
Elisha Zaporelostzi's first performances were the Open Stages put on by the Bytown Live in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. It is how Neil Young and Joni Mitchell started. Phreap magazine is a one page thing that went around Ottawa in the 1980s. Now it is a web site; With the help of Joe-Charly Smith, Molly Ding, Calhoon-Fred Febealie, and Butter Jones I was able to put out Phreap magazine.
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