movie track

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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'movie track'. Discover tracks described as 'rock, jazz, electro, romantic, twinkite, fank'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Song title
Picture for song 'MOVIE TRACK: 0007' by artist 'AARON MICHAEL TM'



BET Award Winners! Grammy Winners! Bay Area Legends! etc Hip-Hop Celebrities & Billboard Artists/Prod.! Emmy Award Winners! He has Toured/Produced for them ALL!

Please contact if you Purchase the highest quality licensing. Some Instrumentals do not come with all the stems anymore. Sry for the mixup on the 'SoundCLICK' site, prices remain! 
*note: all beats here are original in origin and were not created to mimic any specific artist, also all beats on here could be considered an AARON MICHAE...

$500 Beats - Beats General

Picture for song 'MOVIE TRACK 75 BPM' by artist 'SANO'



Electronic - Electronica

Picture for song 'Movie Track Type Beat (Prod By GinieBeatz) .mp3' by artist 'GinieBeatz'

Movie Track Type Beat (Prod By GinieBeatz) .mp3


Beats - Beats General

Picture for song 'Silver Beach' by artist 'DB Harvey'

Silver Beach

DB Harvey

My influences are varied from Big Band and Classical, Jazz, Fusion, rockabilly, Rock and Roll, Acid Rock, Samba, Reggae and Country, Folk, Bluegrass and Gospel.

I am a romantic. I am an accomplished lyricist and song writer. I am a legend in my own mind! I am inspired by all the positive energy that surrounds us and leads us to create the artwork that replenishes our soul. I hope that the songs I have written will become a part of your life.

$25 Pop - Dance-Pop

Picture for song 'Fank Fight' by artist 'Twin Kite'
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