
Use spaces, add comma to separate keywords ("drake, hip hop, beats")

Stream music and buy beats tagged 'kontraband'. Discover tracks described as 'new york, harlem, solegre music'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Song title
Picture for song 'Kontraband Muzik-Drummer Get Wicked' by artist 'KontraBand Muzik'

Kontraband Muzik-Drummer Get Wicked

KontraBand Muzik

Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'Kontraband / WU Tang C.R.E.A.M beat' by artist 'Kband'

Kontraband / WU Tang C.R.E.A.M beat


Hip-Hop - Battles/Disses

Picture for song 'Graveyard' by artist 'Solegre Music Productions'


Solegre Music Productions


I was born in Harlem grew up loving Hip Hop music became good at it and we here now doing positive things bringing back Hip Hop.

Hip-Hop - Hip Hop General No samples

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