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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'jazzwaltz'. Discover tracks described as 'piano, jazz, bass, drums, trumpet, jazz guitar, cosmos dwellerz arkestra, sanifu'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

First, a Waltz
light hearted lyrical sarcasm and original music inspired by a lifetime of accompanying a boatload of excellent musicians. With the exception of Mango Chutneyed, everything posted here results from home recording in which alll the tunes posted are original compositions of mine, with performances on the various tracks also by me.

Goodbye, Cabrini Green
I like to compose music and write lyrics. Actually, 'the band' is only me, composing and recording songs with the assistance of digital music creation software.

Blue Pixelz
Sanifu (Al Hall Jr) is part of the AljoniMusiCo/Hallways to Fame group based in Jacksonville FL. Bands include: CosmosDwellerzArkestra, LAC and Jose Negron.
$25 World - World Fusion

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