free speech
|Stream music and buy beats tagged 'free speech'. Discover tracks described as ' we the people, pure blood'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Free Speech
Delusional About Love
My name is David Mallory. There are dozens of David Mallorys on the net so I go by the stage name Meglodave. This is a self deprecating name I gave myself over 20 years ago. I suffer from a form of erotomania. I have the mistaken belief that someone is in love with me and she gives me messages on the radio. I am aware of this but still Ive been unable to shake it. As a method of coping, I have taken to making and listening to my own music using GarageBand. Most of my stu...

Free Speech Hero
...dat SRQ flygirl from back in da days...showcasing lyrical skills while exposing government corruption and protesting tyranny thru this ever-evolving journey
Da free-stylin, pro-liberty, hard-lovin REAL THING... Good-vibin, straight smokin, truth-spittin seeker of MORE knowledge... Pushin facts dat kill tyranny n hopin to end da silence once n for all...

The World Has Had Enough
Brian Sonneman and The Horologists
A voice for the voiceless. Musical escape from R & D propaganda.

Honor Bound
Brian Sonneman and The Horologists
A voice for the voiceless. Musical escape from R & D propaganda.

GenXer's Bucket List
Brian Sonneman and The Horologists
A voice for the voiceless. Musical escape from R & D propaganda.

Hindsight 2021
Brian Sonneman and The Horologists
A voice for the voiceless. Musical escape from R & D propaganda.

Beside No Side At The End of The World
Brian Sonneman and The Horologists
A voice for the voiceless. Musical escape from R & D propaganda.

Only Outlaws Will Be Free
Tom Neilson
Folk singer, social commentary, satire, people's stories, children's music
Hi Folks,
The Bard Insurgent here. My comrade D.O. (the Poet Roofer) and I got that handle (The Bard Insurgents) from traveling town to town performing songs and poetry about people's lives. I've been performing since I was 3 years old, cutting my vocal chords on liturgical and classical music. I was a concert soloist as a child, when I wasn't herding cows, throwing hay and shoveling manure.
During the Civil R...