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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'raddy'. Discover tracks described as 'fish, oxford, jericho'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Song title
Picture for song 'Raddy++' by artist 'HighWay Zoomin'
Picture for song 'Secrets Of The Deep (live at the Raddy 1987)' by artist 'Frank Fish and the Fins'

Secrets Of The Deep (live at the Raddy 1987)

Frank Fish and the Fins

Zappa-esque, psychedelic, rock pranksters from Oxford. Gibbering mad professor front man with 1001 surreal costume changes. Abstract fish-obsessed lyrics.

Zappa-esque, psychedelic, rock pranksters from Oxford. Gibbering mad professor front man with 1001 surreal costume changes. Abstract fish-obsessed lyrics and systematic tremolo-arm abuse.

Rock - Rock General

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