guitar heaven

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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'guitar heaven'. Discover tracks described as 'peace, hendrix, americanindian, johncastellain, cherokee'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Song title
Picture for song 'Guitar Heaven (Buy 1 Get 1 Free)' by artist 'CashRole'

Guitar Heaven (Buy 1 Get 1 Free)


For questions about executive production and edit requests just dm me on Instagram @cashrolebeats

$10 Beats - Beats General

Picture for song 'Guitar Heaven' by artist 'Dev HR'

Guitar Heaven

Dev HR

Get At Me!!!

Beats - New School

Picture for song 'GUITAR HEAVEN' by artist 'EzMike'



EzMike the Manifacturer is my name and rappin' is my game. I'm not out for money, fortune or fame. This is an hobby and i got love for it. i don't care if ain't 2 cents in my pocket to show for it.I emulate and crossbreed styles to come up with new ones.

Beats - Pop

Picture for song 'Hendrix In My Mind' by artist 'John Castellain'

Hendrix In My Mind

John Castellain

Jazz Rock Fusion by John Castellain English Born Composer Musician Producer

My name is John Castellain. began playing Guitar as a young boy after becoming fasinated with Jimi Hendrix,and just how he changed the way of Rock music.He was so innovative and brilliant, I just wanted to play guitar, and even now find it hard to believe hes dead..because his music lives on!.I learnt Classical Piano before picking up a Guitar,and Drums which I taught myself, by listening mostly!...listening to everyt...

Blues - Blues General

Picture for song 'Guitars In The Storm' by artist 'Wayne Evans Project'

Guitars In The Storm

Wayne Evans Project

The band is 'me' and friends who have so generously contributed to this effort.

Rock - Rock General

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