bossa style

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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'bossa style'. Discover tracks described as 'jazz, chill, cover, zaklnftm, rendition, not for the mainstream, sarah vaughan, nancywilson'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Picture for song 'Jan's Love Song' by artist 'Not For The Mainstream'

Jan's Love Song

Not For The Mainstream

Experimental band creating mostly music ranging from pop, rock, funk, R&B, reggae and jazz.

Lyricist/Songwriter - and music aficionado.

World - World General

Picture for song 'CALL ME (Cover Rendition)' by artist 'Not For The Mainstream'

CALL ME (Cover Rendition)

Not For The Mainstream

Experimental band creating mostly music ranging from pop, rock, funk, R&B, reggae and jazz.

Lyricist/Songwriter - and music aficionado.

Latin - Bossa Nova

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