Christian Song, nice message about our relationship with God.
Wrote this one while waiting for a friend of mine who worked for the Army testing special forces on different types of training. Had my guitar out a pad and a pen and began writing it out. Took only about 15 minutes to get the basic idea. My brother John Cunha did the arrangments on this song.
Music and Words by John Cunha & Tony Cunha
verse 1
Cant seem to find the road in front of me
I like to be just like the trees, feeling the breeze
Everyday, I think of what to say
So many things that are in my mind
Now I'm afraid of wasting precious time
Lord, I need you especially today
Theirs so much, I want to say
I live for hope and faith day after day
Especially now, especially today
verse 2
Many times, I done things that were wrong
Many nights that I cried seem to be for so long
Everyday, I think of what to say
So many things that are, in my mind
Now Im afraid of wasting precious time (chorus)
Many things lately, been on my mind
Changes came to me quickly
Now I'm afraid of wasting precious time (chorus)
Verse 3
Looking for you, cause I cant find you
Your the one to me, that will ever do
Everyday, I think of what to say
So many things that are, in my mind
Your so warm and so really kind (chorus)