A little spooky song for Halloween
That Crazy Red Head Woman
2006 Bill Robinson
We live out in the country
Lots of gravel roads
Theres a stretch of blacktop
Where no one ever goes
It winds through Grady Holler
Its a real spooky drive
For years theres been a rumor
You wont come back alive
Some say there was a killin
bout 5o years ago
Young Abel Grady
And his best buddy Joe
Was fightin for the love
Of a red headed girl
They could hear her evil laugh
As she walked away with Earl
That crazy red head woman haunts that stretch of road
Sometimes shes a snake, sometimes shes a toad
Sits there in the road hopin you will stop
Then you pay the piper for Abel and Joe
When Abel and Joe
Figured what she done
They took out after Earl
Shot him on the run
Then they turned their guns
On the red headed girl
Left her in that muddy ditch
Lying next to earl
Sheriff Tate was called
They put Earl in the ground
The read headed girl
Was never found
Abel and Joe were seen
Running down the road
Being chased by snakes
And big horny toads
That crazy red head woman haunts that stretch of road
Sometimes shes a snake, sometimes shes a toad
Sits there in the road hopin you will stop
Then you pay the piper for Abel and Joe
So if you drive through Grady Holler keep your eyes on the road
Dont try to be a nice guy, run over snakes and toads
That crazy red head woman haunts that stretch of road
Sometimes shes a snake, sometimes shes a toad
Sits there in the road hopin you will stop
Then you pay the piper for Abel and Joe
Dont try to be a nice guy, run over snakes and toads