May Jesus be glorified today
May every thought that we may think
And every word that we say
Be like a fragrance sweet and warm
Rising up in joyful praise
May Jesus our Lord be glorified
May He be glorified today
May Jesus be glorified this hour
May we know His strength will comfort us
May we rest in His power
Our fortress, our deliverer a strong and mighty tower
May Jesus the mighty One be glorified
May He be glorified this hour
May we learn to trust Him
And rest beneath the shadow of His wings
May our hearts embrace Him
And let this be the song we learn to sing
May Jesus be glorified in me
Let every step I take, every move I make
Every word and every deed
Be a sacrifice of praise that I lay at His feet
May Jesus Christ my song of praise
Jesus Christ the name I raise
May Jesus Christ my Lord be glorified
May He be glorified in me