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Farmers Wife's Prayer
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A song about life on a dairy farm.
#200 today Peak #1
#30 in subgenre today Peak #1
Helen Maria DeBacker-vorce
Helen Maria DeBacker-Vorce
January 06, 2025
MP3 7.1 MB, 320 kbps, 3:06
Meta Data
relaxed, cool
dark, sad, angry
Story behind the song
In my first marriage of 20+ years, I was part owner of a large dairy farm. I sang and wrote a lot of songs while I was in the barn milking the cows. My therapy at the time. I had a husband, four children( two boys /twin girls) and many hired hands that I cooked, cleaned and took care of. I also, drove tractors, baled hay, plowed the fields and kept the wood fire burning in winter. The work never ended from early morning, to late into the night. My hands were cracked, bleeding and calloused from all the hard labor that needed to be done. It was a long time ago, but, I am still out here singing and playing my music. I hope you like my, "Farmer's Wife's prayer" song. It is true, cause I lived it. Recently, I dug it out of the box and my, Music producer husband, Phil Vorce and myself made a recording of it. I know the Farmers have it rough out there and this song is for all them. If you are interested, It is available on all internet music sites, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, YouTube and more. Thank you for reading my story ! I am hoping one day income from my music will help farmers and their families survive everywhere. God Bless Farmers !! Helen DeBacker-Vorce a.k.a Helen DeBaker a.k.a Helen Debaker-Vorce
Farmer's Wife's Prayer Seems we just go to sleep and off goes the alarm. And it's time to get dressed and milk all those cows in the barn. It's early everyday and late every night. Somehow we keep holdin' on. And It's never easy here on the farm. Chorus: Kids almost grown and I'm feelin' old. I thought better would come. His face tired from worry and he always in a hurry to get what he's got to do done. If I had just one wish, I'd wish God hears my prayers and he helps all those folks that make their livin' off the land. And I'm hopin' one day, Hands fold in grace and thank God for all the hard work that's done. Cause, It' never easy, Here on the farm. (Lead guitar) Kids almost grown and I'm feelin old. I though better would come. His face tired from worry and he's always in a hurry to get what he's got to do done. If I had just one wish I wish God hears my prayers, And he helps all those folks that make their livin' off the land. And I'm hopin one day, Hands fold in grace and thank God for all the hard work that's done. Cause it's never easy, Here on the farm. No, It's never easy, Here on the farm.
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