This is a song about a song described in Revelation 14.
I'm writing songs to God here, and this is about a special song that only certain people can sing. It's spoken about in Revelation 14. Do I have it right? Only God knows.
This is a song about a song,
That only God's children can sing.
This is a song about God's love,
Known only to the blood bought of the King!
We can sing it in the darkness,
Just as clearly as the day.
We can sing it in misfortune,
It enriches, it enriches all life's way!
It is a song sung to the Lamb,
Who has washed us white as snow.
It is a song sung by the pilgrims,
Who follow wherever He goes.
You don't sing it with words alone,
You sing it with your life.
And the music drifts from harps at home,
Through earth's misery, through its hopelessness and strife.
Lord, please teach me that song,
I long to walk with you in white.
Lord, tune my hidden heart,
To the music of your life.