Didn't I tell you this before?
Didn't I make it clear that night at your door?
Whenever you're ready
I'll be ready too
I can let well enough alone
I won't be waiting by the telephone
But I promise you I'll answer
If you call
If you call
If you call
Isn't it perfect just like this?
How many nights I counted before your kiss
Im still counting
And I like the score
What about moonlight walks and talks?
What about sneaking out and jimmying locks?
And then you come back home still burning
And alone
What are we waiting for?
How about everything and then so much more
When you breathe good night and it takes a while
Till I turn away, riding on my smile
And I walk home sharing my secret with every star
Forget about "waiting"
I think I love right where we are
Didn't I tell you once before?
Didn't I make it clear that night at your door?
Whenever you're ready
I'll be ready too
I can let well enough alone
Might not be waiting by the telephone
But I promise you I'll answer
If you call