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Grunge Ranchero ( When we ran away v1)
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Sorry, vocals are rotten, Evolution Jazz Archtop VST solo guitar, I just bought a new guitar so Ill compose with my guitar now, I stopped 5 years ago using one ( Jazz guitar really cheap Ibanez), Ill redo a spanish version tomorrow maybe, better voca
Peak #37
Peak in subgenre #6
November 03, 2024
MP3 4.7 MB, 192 kbps, 3:25
Story behind the song
I will force myself to compose like this , now: 1 Intro, 1 couplet, 1 refrain I will always add an introduction, and always respect the couplet, then the refrain(hook)
Ok , let me explain why vocals are crappy, when The music composition is finished, who takes like 2h30; I have no strenght to sing good afterwards, I am suppose to redo it normally, but I often prefer to find better harmonies so I give up. I quite like the guitar melody on dis one. Snare drum is not suppose to sound like this but only medium frequencies, like a loud goespel snare , and the Chile ranchero style shaker does not fit to rnb, ah ah ( pressure gets lost). Edit 08 11 2024 : Ok, I will do a V2, sith a better singing style, no more crazy notes and ugly sound as I Can
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