Pondering the programs that run a life to manifest a dream. Unfinished currently, as now I know too much! File name:OzPopLife Goes On(E Tune) _2024-06-28_28 june 2024
"Life Goes On Rinse Wash Repeat" by Belly Button, also known as Richard Stislicki, is a song that reflects on the cyclical nature of life. The music conveys the idea of going through repetitive cycles, much like the instructions on a shampoo bottle: "lather, rinse, repeat." This metaphor highlights the routine and sometimes monotonous aspects of life, while also suggesting the need to let go of the past and be open to future possibilities starting the process of letting go of the past, means you NEED to be open to the future possibilities. All animals run programs, us included. There are universal programs innate in us all. There are programs created by other humans beyond "The Self" It's okay to run the script in the program ...if you wrote the script. Look for the author.
7-3-24 Lyrics are ongoing, as the truth is revealed. Understanding my place in the universe. Who am I, running a program? Who will I be if I accept or fight the programming. What does anyone do, when they realize everyone is just running a program. All life runs a program including an individual cell or bacteria. We are without life without a program. What creates the program? I am receptive to input... Please be pure in your output
6/28/24 seems to me we make life harder than it needs to be
All living a dream. Is that what life is supposed be?
Innately programmed beings create unique new problems
We all do mirroring copying in the beginning
endless thirst for everything
Rinse Wash Repeat!