It is hard to see somebody in a relationship they ccan't see is doing them harm.
Written for a friend who trapped was in a bad relationship. I get it... it is hard to walk away. But sometimes that is what you need to do!
I Quite Understand
Adrian J Pratt - November 22 2023
I quite understand, You're in love, He's the one,
He's the best, Your'e obsessed, And you love him.
You don't understand, things are not as they really appear
I quite understand. He's not strange, He's not weird,
He's not bad, He's not poor, and you like him.
I don't understand why you cannot see through his veneer.
He plays a fine game, The game he's played before.
Just say that word 'commitment' and he's out of the door.
He'll say "It's all good." He'll always be around...
I'm anticipating tears, when he eventually leaves town.
I quite understand, He looks cute, On your arm
Opens doors, He's a charm, You care for him.
You don't understand, He's just a lover in disguise.
I quite understand. He's your crush, He's your flame
He's your light, Your desire, and you want him.
I don't understand, why you cannot see through all of his lies.
He plays a fine game, The game he's played before.
Just say that word 'commitment' and he's out of the door.
He'll say "It's all good." He'll always be around...
I'm anticipating tears, when he eventually leaves town.
I'd be doing you no favors, if I didn't say what I know
I never wanted to be the one, to say "I told you so"
Jerks like him will tear your life apart.
He'll break your heart.
I quite understand, He looked cute, He could charm
Like a snake, what a creep, so deceptive.
I'm really so glad,
You sent him packing and he's out of your life
Can you imagine? That guy was just not nice!
So glad you never ended up his wife
That would be a sentence for life!
oh my.
not a good guy.
you'll be fine.
give it time.