Up tempo pop rock
This song was originally written in 1998. We recently changed some of the lyrics and created a better recording of the song. We hope it is worth the wait.
Verse 1:
Tease me, tempt me, got me where she wants, I play along.
Taunting, flaunting, girl knows what she’s got, I play along.
She’s music to my eyes, rockets me to paradise,
Every day with her’s a sweet, sweet song, I sing along.
Verse 2:
So alluring, captures with a smile, I flow along.
So disarming, melts me with a pout, I flow along.
She’s music to my soul, steals away my self-control,
Every day with her’s a joyous song, I sing along.
Though she may not be right, she’s never, ever wrong.
She only has a different point of view.
And though we never fight, she never comes on strong,
Still I wonder how she always seems to get her way.
Does what she wants.
Verse 3:
Up and down and spins me all around, I play along.
Bends me, shakes, but never tries to break, I play along.
She’s music to my heart, a mighty fine work of art,
Every day with her’s a beautiful song, I sing along.