A lovely ballad, not out of place in the court of Henry VIII, played on an Ovation Celebrity classical guitar with flute and bass added. The vocalist is, wait for it, a computer generated voice known as Solaria!
For this song I have re-cycled one of my hymn tunes (High King of Heaven) which I wrote some 30 years ago. I would have sung it myself but I am now in my 70's and my voice is past its best.
Have you been searching,
Have you been seeking,
Wandering the byways
Both high and low,
Looking for someone
You can believe in.
Someone to trust
And to know.
Give me your heart
My traveller so fine
And I will give you mine.
Give me your heart
I'll hold it so fast
In love that ever lasts.
There on the highway,
There in the byway,
Rogues come a plenty
Seekinh your soul.
False words are spoken,
Promises broken.
Come, rest in me,
I'll console.
Love knows no season,
Wisdom or reason.
Love comes to taunt
In youth or in age.
Love may spell danger
From friend or stranger
Or love may begin
A new page.