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Miss Clementine Barnabet
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Filthy, shifty, degenerate
Peak #33
Peak in subgenre #11
Chris Baker
May 30, 2022
MP3 3.1 MB, 128 kbps, 3:21
Story behind the song
Clementine Barnabet (born around 1894, died ?) was an accused American serial killer who was convicted of killing one person and claimed to have killed as many as 35.
Down in Louisiana When she was just a teen She bought herself a voodoo charm For invisibility She prayed at the Church of Sacrifice And sanctified attacks She went into five families' homes And brained them with an ax CHORUS O Miss Clementine Barnabet Filthy, shifty, degenerate There was Felix and his wife and kids All slaughtered before dawn On their wall writ in their blood Were verses from a Psalm When the cops caught Clementine She had brains on her dress She told about the thirty-five That she had axed to death CHORUS A guilty charge and life in prison She didn't serve that time They offered a procedure To cut evil from her mind A model prisoner for 10 years They had to let her go And then she up and vanished Like she was invisible CHORUS
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