Cheney's old war profiteering company Halliburton cut and ran away to Dubai, and I guess I had a lot of time on my hands. Written/recorded March 2007.
(from "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds")
Picture yourself dropping soap in a prison
You're down on your knees before scary made guys
Somebody wants you for reasons unholy
A guy with maniacal eyes
Cellmates and towers you're yellow and green
Cowering under your bed
Looks like a world that you'd never survive
So you're gone
Moving to Dubai and hiding
Moving to Dubai and hiding
Moving to Dubai and hiding
So long
Following Cheney enriched your accounting
He fashioned a war with his yellowcake lies
Everyone winked as you snared all the contracts
That grew so incredibly high
Maybe subpoenas appear at your door
Threat'ning to put you away
Climb on the jet with the rest of the whores
And you're gone
Moving to Dubai and hiding
Moving to Dubai and hiding
Moving to Dubai and hiding
So long
Picture the cells on the way Halliburton
With GOP friends but no Democrat ties
Suddenly Senators care that you're stealing
The world's had enough of your crimes
Moving to Dubai and hiding
Moving to Dubai and hiding
Moving to Dubai and hiding
So long