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Clementine Barnabet
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Early 20th Century serial murderer
Peak in subgenre #17
Chris Baker
October 28, 2020
MP3 1.4 MB, 128 kbps, 1:32
Down in Louisiana When she was just a teen She bought herself a voodoo charm for invisibility She prayed at the Church of Sacrifice And sanctified attacks She went into five families' homes And brained them with an ax O Miss Clementine Barnabet Filthy, shifty, degenerate There was Felix and his wife and kids All slaughtered before dawn On their wall writ in their blood Were verses from a Psalm When the cops caught Clementine She had brains on her dress She told about the thirty-five That she had axed to death O Miss Clementine Barnabet Filthy, shifty, degenerate A guilty charge and life in prison She didn't serve that time They offered a procedure To cut evil from her mind A model prisoner for 10 years They had to let her go And then she up and vanished Like she was invisible O Miss Clementine Barnabet Filthy, shifty, degenerate
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