Song picture
Beautiful & Wild Was Jazz
Single   $0.75
Album   $4
from Weird Blessing, released October 4, 2020 Keith Cook - guitar, bass, vocals, drum machine
#541 today Peak #16
#198 in subgenre today Peak #7
Keith Cook
October 11, 2020
MP3 6.9 MB, 320 kbps, 3:00
WAV 60.5 MB
Story behind the song
Awhile back I ended up with Leon Russell's drum machine. I wrote 20 songs around everything left on it and there were 9 that he arranged which are denoted by the number he saved them on the machine as being included in the title, for example (Song 01). I also included alternate versions of those 9 songs as instrumentals.
Hear Jazz comes!!! Are you ready for the new sound? Jazz had a ribbon in her hair, (attached to a part of her brain) Cause her heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart is broken And every night, sunset, street lights are shining bright I gotta speak to her There, Jazz found friends and beauty for a heart of gold Raised by wolves, but beautiful and wise was Jazz With courage Jazz would not bow, there for her cause Jazz would prove Like a dream, the good life Jazz always shows My long drink when Jazz walks in the room You give me shivers down my spine And then I met up with super magic mistress Jazz can make me kiss you so good And super luck grows from you Jazz crucified my heart That's how Jazz touched my heart
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