A composition with nine names of Durga, Navadurga. This represents the 9 nights prayer and festival of Navaratri.
The Nine different incarnations of Goddess Durga are adored during 'Navararti'. These nine diverse forms of Goddess Durga embody all Her powers. They fulfill all the desires of the devotees and enable them to enjoy honour, bliss, peace, prosperity, power, health and reverence here in this world and salvation. By chanting their names, devotees are relieved of the distresses. All the mundane and divine aspirations of the devotees are fulfilled.
Sri Shailaputri Durgaiye Namaha
Sri Brahmachaarini Durgaiye Namaha
Sri Chandragaanta Durgaiye Namaha
Sri Kushmanda Durgaiye Namaha
Sri Skandamaata Durgaiye Namaha
Sri Kaatyaayani Durgaiye Namaha
Sri Kaalaraatri Durgaiye Namaha
Sri Maha Gauri Durgaiye Namaha
Sri Siddidaathri Durgaiye Namaha