Rise! My brothers
Rise! My sisters
Rise! Those in between and outside
Rise! Now is not the time to hide
Rise! We are the ones they are trying to categorize
Rise! Whose interests are you playing into?
Rise! Gay
Rise! Straight
Rise! Bi
Rise! Pan
Rise! Those in between and outside
Rise! Whose interests are you playing into?
Count your blessings and then ask for more
Exchange them for all the traits that they adore
Run on the field like a berdache mascot
Now take it off – It’s time to shine
Love yourselves but only love others if they don’t destroy it
Arbitrary power is what we must fear and overthrow
Devour your consummation and regurgitate money
Your lives are being bought and sold via identity
“Who are you?” really means “What are you?”
It means “how can we categorize you?”
“How do you consume? How do you reproduce?”
“How do you resist?” and “How can we exploit this?”
Play jellyfish babies with your identity
Our mother is sick and thus so are we
Westoxification destroying gynarchies
I say a panarchy is necessary for a healthy “we”
Rise! Transgender
Rise! Transexual
Rise! Cisgender
Rise! Cissexual
Rise! Everyone confused
Rise! Who interests are you playing into?
Biphillic tendencies suit our thirst for binary
And our thirst for beauty keeps girls fasting
Runway models run away from weight and hate
There is still time to win, it’s never too late
The sounds of sex are mere sound effects
Can you hear them? They sound like earthquakes!
Yesterday’s entremetteuse is today’s rape victim
And yes, we will blame them
And the rapists will call the others tree climbers
Because putting women in their place is so much better
Forever learn your role, your placement
Based upon what genitals you kissed
Based upon the heteronormativity you missed
But you never missed a second, you see it everyday
And the military will engage in I&I
So they don’t act out and become labeled “gay”
This didn’t used to be a person
It was only an action
But we’ve become so obsessed with sex
That we need as many categories as we can get
Sex is repressed but not like you’d think
We’ve got a word for everything and nothing’s unique
Sex, sex, sex please
While dismantling hegemony
Lust, love, living
While destroying patriarchy
Zeroes, ones, binaries
Stop selling me capitally
Smiles, tears, humanity
Please just let me live freely