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GRB2013 Round 2 Vs Pace Beats
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Peak #145
Peak in subgenre #4
August 19, 2013
MP3 2.8 MB, 128 kbps, 3:03
Hey pace beats you got a nice name did you have a slow tempo for like every one of your dates? or did you get it when you lose your v card at the ripe age of not yet yo you sleep in a race car bed and that sh** didn't have to rhyme cuz that sh** s your life I aint have to lie truth its kinda sad lets be honest that you failed to be engineer without ever flunking college diabolic s little brother except a little softer that goes hard on beats after he checks the closet for monsters yo why bother why try yo pace whats Stuart little like? did you guys have a snack maybe some cheezits and sprite? did you stay for story time? did they read it right? with devotion and emotion kinda like your mother does yo wait hold up cuz does pace have a word to pray to wird of pley to write his sh** so he can get the win today cuz that's the only way f*** Benjamin button thinking he can go toe to toe with me? quit the stunting stunting like your growth Jesus f*** ing Christ you been the same size since you were like you were 9 yo let me clearly define on paces arms there's no hair I can find and then I look at mine you got a swimmers physique and some 90s sounding beats man they sound weak matter of fact hes got an accolade in rap "whats that?" hes got a song with abreact man that's great but yo whose that? exactly p.s nice avy pic I can smell fear its so real actually i think that's Burberry b*** ? yo why you look like mad child with a baby face and no pills but you still waste your life away still staying where your parents stay but hes gonna go on vac ay to grandmas house how the f*** you buying loud? god damn bro I think its time you move out you f*** ing loser go outside get off the computer heres some social interaction just try it hes like "no mother nature didn't supply it" Who really stands by this dork that sweats when he tries to bench press a fork I just gotta know you think this f** spits illa? y'all got me battling midget mac miller next round give me punches cuz im tired of filler or give me Joe so when I advance I upgrade the wigger
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