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An OLD rant against the (then) current occupant of the White House, Barack Hussein OBAKA! Also a tribute to the Beastie Boys. You can apply the same criticisms to Bidas.
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#29,878 today Peak #169
#19,394 in subgenre today Peak #91
Bob Frazier
Words and Music Copyright 2012 by Bob Frazier
June 22, 2012
MP3 1.8 MB, 128 kbps, 1:57
Story behind the song
I am SICK and TIRED of the way Barack Hussein OBAKA is RUINING OUR COUNTRY, MORTGAGING OUR FUTURE, and SCREWING UP OUR ECONOMY! That man is UNELECTABLE! Now 'baka' is Japanese for 'stupid' 'idiot' 'fool' etc. Put the 'O' in front, and you're REALLY calling Obaka an idiot, more like 'king of the idiots' or 'flaming idiot' or something similar to that. And it fits SO well...
O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, BARACK HUSSEIN O-BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA You were lying when you said, that you stood for hope and change What you really, really meant, is that you WANTED ALL OUR CHANGE And you spent us into debt like you didn't have a care and gave money to supporters for POLITICAL FA-VORS O-BAKA, O-BAKA, BARACK HUSSEIN O-BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA You make the people think you're green, but you're only for GREEN CASH and you run up all our debt until it's ALL GREEN TRASH You favor all our enemies and treat them WITH CLASS And then you 'dis' allies, as if you said, 'SHOVE IT UP YOUR BLEEP' O-BAKA, O-BAKA, BARACK HUSSEIN O-BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA You make Jimmy Carter look like he's a better president, And if I don't agree with YOU then I'm a RACIST RED-NECK The economy is sucking, OBAMACARE is CRAP And SOCIALISM'S NOTHING BUT AN ECONOMIC TRAP O-BAKA, O-BAKA, BARACK HUSSEIN O-BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA Thanks to YOU it costs a C note just to FILL MY TANK And when I went into the grocery store the PRICES ALL STANK And you cannot blame Chevron, Shell, BP or Exxon When they CANNOT EVEN DRILL OFFSHORE, OR IN ALASKA! O-BAKA, O-BAKA, BARACK HUSSEIN O-BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, MAKING CARTER LOOK GOOD O-BAKA, O-BAKA, THE KING OF FOOLS O-BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, YOU'RE UNELECTABLE! O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, BARACK HUSSEIN O-BAKA O-BAKA, O-BAKA, O-BAKA BAKA BAKA
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