
Daily Mix 10

Metal - playlist updated twice daily

A vibrant music mix of our best songs in Metal! Curated songs are from the last 3 years, and have enjoyed top positions in our charts. Fresh playlists are updated twice daily. Always free streaming. Selected tracks available as free download or for beat licensing!

Picture for song 'Clueless' by artist 'Jackson Wagner'


Jackson Wagner

Hello! My name is Jackson and I write music, mainly in the styles of progressive metal and djent. I am 18 years old.

Metal - Progressive Metal 165 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Black Heart' by artist 'Brilliant Bastards'

Black Heart

Brilliant Bastards

Brilliant Bastards

Sludge/Grid Iron Band is:
Drums by DR -- no sound click.
Bass by WM --
Guitar by GT --

Metal - Progressive Metal

Picture for song 'Don't Push Me Away 1989' by artist 'Ded Kat Bownse'

Don't Push Me Away 1989

Ded Kat Bownse

Ded Kat Bownse is a loose collection of artists based around Mike Kissel who writes the songs.

Metal - Progressive Metal

Picture for song 'Station Wagon' by artist 'Johan'

Station Wagon


Lead Guitarist / Song Writer

Song Writer / Lead Guitar

Metal - Thrash Metal

Picture for song 'Crash' by artist 'Whole World Freakaz'


Whole World Freakaz

La vie est trop courte pour s'en faire un enfer.    La vie est bien trop longue pour ne jamais rien en faire.

D.I.Y Project.
From music composition and mixing, 2D & 3D drawing, animation to video editing.

Metal - Alternative Metal No samples

Picture for song 'the bath of the seventh necromancer' by artist 'Th3rd Degree'

the bath of the seventh necromancer

Th3rd Degree


I play guitar in a technical death metal band. These are songs I record at home, by myself, just for fun.

Metal - Progressive Metal

Picture for song 'Just Leave Already' by artist 'Feast Like Sharks'

Just Leave Already

Feast Like Sharks

Music Producer and Guitarist for Feast Like Sharks  Music Producer and Guitarist for GLICK

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Cosmic Perspective (Official Release)' by artist 'The Steve Klatt Project'

Cosmic Perspective (Official Release)

The Steve Klatt Project

From Ontario Canada. The Steve Klatt Project. Rock/ Metal. Blending Progressive rock  concepts with a metal edge. Great guitar riffs. Soaring melodies.

Steve Klatt has been playing guitar for over 30 years. He has toured half way across Canada, with several different bands. Opening for many well know acts.
 Steve's early roots can be linked back to bands such as Black Sabbath, Guns N Roses, Metallica, Ozzy, ect....  
 Soon Steve learned to appreciate great guitar players and their abilities...

Metal - Progressive Metal No samples

Picture for song 'APE SHIT' by artist 'PSYCHO PATH GLM'





Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Perspectives 3.0' by artist 'Among The Dying'
Picture for song 'ethereal dream' by artist 'Stockwrock'

ethereal dream


Great music just waiting for your ears!  Rock, country, R&B, classical, ambient, comedy, easy listening -- there's something for everyone here.

I love heavy, melodic rock, but sometimes venture into other genres like R&B, jazz, and since moving to Nashville, tried writing some country.  The current songlist offers a wide variety of up tempo, ballads, and a lot of instrumentals.  I always enjoy feedback, so please leave a message on the board if you stop by.

Metal - Progressive Metal

Picture for song 'EFFEMEL' by artist 'EFFEMEL'



SW MeytaL Collective

FML! - Mdlv band and demo Mus8c page encompassing all styles of Metal and Hardcore. Etc.

Metal - Thrash Metal

Picture for song 'In serenity Feb 5th.mp3' by artist 'Josh Evans'

In serenity Feb 5th.mp3

Josh Evans

I make a whole bunch of different music.

Metal - Progressive Metal

Picture for song 'Chuggity Chug Thing' by artist 'Jayden Yarborough'

Chuggity Chug Thing

Jayden Yarborough

My name’s Jayden, and I play metal and stuff!

My names Jayden, and I play guitar.  Mostly progressive metal and 'Djent.' I might also include some song covers.  I also do some electronic music stuff cuz thats fun too!

Metal - Progressive Metal

Picture for song 'One Little Stone' by artist 'The Dark Child'

One Little Stone

The Dark Child

Crescent City California's own original Alt Metal/Prog/Grunge band.

Crescent City, California original Alternative Hard Rock Grunge band. The Brain Child of Ray Martell (Shacknasty, Black GTO), Allen Henningson (Cut it Like the Kings), Kyle Mullen (Schlocks, Grey Daisies) and Ray Altman (Shacknasty). In October 2022, Dark Child released Allen form his guitar duties. 
Redwood Records Studios in Crescent City, Ca is the home base of Dark Child.

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Dark heart bleeds only tar' by artist 'Darkminded'

Dark heart bleeds only tar


$25 Metal - Power Metal

Picture for song 'Bodg - Boots' by artist 'Bodg'

Bodg - Boots


I'm a metalhead

Metal - Metal Riffs and Licks

Picture for song 'Drain' by artist 'PauloK'



The love of heavy music and riffs will never go away.

growing up in the 90's with all the different genres booming out of our speakers, turn tables, cassette decks will always be missed playing. Having said that it is nice to be able to share with the world on here...

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Yellow Iron' by artist 'paul gorman and the hypnotist collectors'

Yellow Iron

paul gorman and the hypnotist collectors

**all songs on this site are free to download

Metal - Industrial Metal

Picture for song 'THE SOUND OF THUNDER (Melodic Instrumental Metal)' by artist 'DreamSphere'

THE SOUND OF THUNDER (Melodic Instrumental Metal)


Melodic Instrumental Metal

DreamSphere is a two man studio only Metal band. We produce powerful, catchy, yet melodic and accessible, instrumental Heavy Metal and Hard Rock music. 
We record purely for pleasure, as a leisure activity, but are deeply serious about the music we create. Although some songs do have lyrics, we use multiple lead guitars to take the place of vocal melodies.

Metal - Heavy Metal 4/4 No samples