
World Music Charts

Explore the diversity of World Music on SoundClick's charts. Stream global genres like Afro-Pop and Dancehall, discover traditional rhythms, download free MP3s, and support rising artists worldwide.

Picture for song 'Spanish Embrace.' by artist 'Evan Paul'
Picture for song 'Recovery' by artist 'Schumacher'
Picture for song 'Love Is What I Do' by artist 'SusieCool-KMCollab'

Love Is What I Do


World - Reggae 60 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '*$100 EXCLUSIVE* Benin (Buy 1 get 4 free)' by artist 'waytoolost'

*$100 EXCLUSIVE* Benin (Buy 1 get 4 free)


$50 World - Traditional African 106 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Sleep On The Left Side' by artist 'KillerMiller'
Picture for song '(FREE) Rage X Amapiano Type Beat - "Night"' by artist 'D-Streak057'

(FREE) Rage X Amapiano Type Beat - "Night"


$25 $15 World - Traditional African 112 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'The Weekend x Tory Lanez type beat' by artist 'Beatzbylord'

The Weekend x Tory Lanez type beat


$30 World - Dub 110 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'No Quiero Verte Mas (live)' by artist 'The Leftovers'
Picture for song 'Dancehall - Island Fever l FREE FOR PROFIT' by artist 'CYEM ON THE BEAT'

Dancehall - Island Fever l FREE FOR PROFIT


World - Dancehall 107 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Locomotive' by artist 'dRu(WiLdBeAsT)'
Picture for song 'Akoro Cover - prod by Prince B Production' by artist 'Anita Uche'

Akoro Cover - prod by Prince B Production

Anita Uche ,   Anita Uche

$25 World - New Age 4/4

Picture for song 'ON SOUND' by artist 'Edimas Music'
Picture for song '"SUBMARINE" - Jay Wheeler, Mora l Dancehall' by artist 'MokhaThePil0t'

"SUBMARINE" - Jay Wheeler, Mora l Dancehall


$12 World - Dancehall 94 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'The Final Week' by artist 'meglodave'
Picture for song 'Fuus' by artist 'It's Dynamite'
Picture for song 'Triangle' by artist 'BME JJ'
Picture for song 'Dance Phonk X Bass Music' by artist 'ILLICIT MUSIC'

Dance Phonk X Bass Music


$20 World - Dancehall 125 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Yoruba HighLife /Jazz/Afro' by artist ''

Yoruba HighLife /Jazz/Afro

$5 World - World General 90 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'girlfriend, version 3_remix' by artist 'lauryl laureth'

girlfriend, version 3_remix

lauryl laureth

World - World General 89 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Yes We Can (Smooth Reggaeton World Social-Cultural' by artist 'Marion H Moore'

Yes We Can (Smooth Reggaeton World Social-Cultural

Marion H Moore

World - Dancehall 115 BPM 4/4 No samples