
Blues Charts

Discover authentic Blues music on SoundClick's charts. Stream classics like Delta or Country Blues, explore modern Blues Rock, and connect with rising artists.

Picture for song 'A n A hiphop/rnb beats' by artist 'Bl records'

A n A hiphop/rnb beats

Bl records

$25 Blues - Blues General 94 BPM

Picture for song 'Genocides' by artist 'Paolo Margari'
Picture for song 'Blues Bonez - BLUES - Released 2021' by artist 'Bruce Gombrelli'

Blues Bonez - BLUES - Released 2021

Bruce Gombrelli

Blues - Blues General 95 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Rudolph goes to Portishead' by artist 'Tell and Lass'

Rudolph goes to Portishead

Tell and Lass

Blues - Cover Songs 95 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Much Better Man' by artist 'Tom McGuire'

Much Better Man

Tom McGuire

$25 Blues - Country Blues 98 BPM 4/4

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