
Metal Charts

Dive into Metal, where powerful riffs and thundering drums create an electrifying experience. Influenced by artists like Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Slipknot, discover fresh talent shaping the genre. Stream free and download select tracks!

Picture for song 'Altered States of Consciousness - ReMix Remaster' by artist 'Urgent Dispatch'

Altered States of Consciousness - ReMix Remaster

Urgent Dispatch

Urgent Dispatch Progressive Hard Metal since '86

Metal - Progressive Metal 114 BPM

Picture for song 'Rain Dance' by artist 'songfire'

Rain Dance


Playing our songs for fun and sharing with the awesome Soundclick Clique.

Thanks Soundclick!
Songfire Studio is an Art studio, creating all kinds of internet content like web pages and graphics or music/video and last but not least poetry, whatever can fit on the net I guess. 
Also Songfire Studio works in other mediums, like woodwork, stone carving and lots of other things. Many Songfire Studio artworks are on the internet in places like ebay or craigslist, but also locally in many shops a...

Metal - Progressive Metal 110 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Radio Is Dead - Lay Down & Shut Up' by artist 'Jaden Hancock'

Radio Is Dead - Lay Down & Shut Up

Jaden Hancock

I'm a young artist and I try to make looped beats in various genres.

One of my favorite types of music is Nu-metal/alternative metal.

$25 Metal - Alternative Metal 110 BPM 4/4

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