
Progressive Rock

Dive into Progressive Rock, where complex arrangements meet virtuoso musicianship. Discover modern artists inspired by bands like Pink Floyd, Rush, and Porcupine Tree. Stream free and download select tracks!

Picture for song 'Flames of Desire [feat I Manic Alice]' by artist 'ZeveN'

Flames of Desire [feat I Manic Alice]


Music by ZeveN is produced in multiple genres of Pop, Rock, Metal & more. A Spyda Music Production.

ZeveN can produce & release songs from pop to rock, to thrash metal & haunting ballads.
An amazingly versatile talent look out for more exciting sounds thru' 2024.
Please join the mailing list for news, info & FREE downloads of unreleased music only available via the website -
Your support of all Spyda Music Productions releases is genuinely appreciated

Picture for song 'Sweet enough first mixdown' by artist 'Clivey Macdougall'

Sweet enough first mixdown

Clivey Macdougall

Clive MacDougall. Most recent works as of 2025.  Please visit links for my Bandcamp Albums & Blue on Shock archive and the end of the wire on

Peripatetic noise maker/producer , busker  independent and insular.  Surviving from the last media frenzy driven crisis to the next media frenzy driven crisis.
Confined to writing and composition , perhaps for the foreseeable future and doing bandcamp releases .This place  is my very Warty soundclick which gets everything first  in the

Picture for song 'You know his name' by artist 'Alex Williamson'

You know his name

Alex Williamson

Chavie is project name for Alexander Williamson's main musical endeavors.The compositions range from Progressive rock, metal, electronica, film & video games sc

Welcome to my page, I hope you take the time to listen to my music. I'm a bit eclectic genre wise but there should be something for everyone if you dig deep enough Please also do take in consideration some of the recordings on this page are 15-20+ years old
My taste and abilities have changed a lot over the years and so in turn my mu...

Picture for song 'Take Care' by artist 'Steampipe Studio'

Take Care

Steampipe Studio

#spacerock #HardRockInstrumentals

Part time musician

Picture for song 'Red Moon Sky' by artist 'Alexander Aruca'

Red Moon Sky

Alexander Aruca

Rocks New Thunder!

There is no band, I do it all on my own.  My music is a guitar driven sound.  Kind of what I like to call In Your Face Rock.
I love to play & hope others will enjoy it as well.

Picture for song 'Who...?' by artist 'TimM Songs'


TimM Songs

Songwriter and musician performing original music on guitar and synth keyboard. Eclectic mix from Christian to World Fusion. Also tribute videos for Ukraine.

Original music compositions on guitar and synth keyboard. Eclectic mix of Christian, Fusion Jazz, Folk-Rock, Ambient and World Fusion. Also, tribute videos dedicated to the people of Ukraine.

Picture for song 'Mud' by artist 'Jumpky Twippit'


Jumpky Twippit

Music is magic, I cast spells.

A creator of all trades just started on my path to fame.
I songwrite, play piano, guitar, and synth. I write fantasy, draw (graphite) and create tabletop games. I've been in music for about 9 years.

No samples

Picture for song 'Funk-Rock BOP' by artist 'Not For The Mainstream'

Funk-Rock BOP

Not For The Mainstream

Experimental band creating mostly music ranging from pop, rock, funk, R&B, reggae and jazz.

Lyricist/Songwriter - and music aficionado.

Picture for song 'Scorching Heat' by artist 'Lady Gaga In Space'

Scorching Heat

Lady Gaga In Space

Created by Sonoma, California superstar Pee Wee in 2015. This free soundtrack series is now heard on all major platforms and 10+ countries listening weekly.

Lady Gaga In Space was created in 2015 by Sonoma superstar Pee Wee. Free music now heard weekly in over 10 countries.

Picture for song 'Let Me See You Smile' by artist 'QOQUAQ'

Let Me See You Smile



Twenty-three tracks by The Richman Curse : 
1. 'LONG GONE' - The major third on the first beat of the fourth measure 
                                 of the final flute solo represents Esther Povitsky sneezing.
2. 'HAPPY SAD' - Click the three dots on the right, a song page can be seen. 
                             Scroll down for the lyrics, though who knows what they mean? 
3. 'QUIET ONE' - The musical interlude in the middle was influenced by an

Picture for song 'The Co-Pilot' by artist 'Sean Ferree'

The Co-Pilot

Sean Ferree

No samples

Picture for song 'OF THE MYTH COLABO with Mike Bennett' by artist 'FAUNASERENE'

OF THE MYTH COLABO with Mike Bennett


I am a very passionately endowed keyboardist and vocalist who plays by ear and heart pouring my emotive soul into my songs and colabs.

I am someone who uses my expression as a wand to heal myself and anybody else.....I play my keys which are two keyboards... My Korg Kross 2  and my Korg Wavestate sequencing synthesizer.....they are both my faves to work with... I sing from my Schurr microphone....and I use a digital work station with a host of plugins.. and I know how to my liking.....
,   Michael Bennett ,   FAUNASERENE

No samples

Picture for song 'Cassiopeia (Art Rock Version)' by artist 'gulan'

Cassiopeia (Art Rock Version)


Electronica:  space music, instrumental & New-age.

Ambient, New Age, space music composer from Latvia

Picture for song 'Needle's Eye' by artist 'Adam Levin'

Needle's Eye

Adam Levin

Picture for song 'And Why Not' by artist 'glass cage'

And Why Not

glass cage

Eclectic,English eccentricity.   A touch of Electronica a dash of indie Jazz and Folk too,plus occasional full-on guitar, violin and world  influences

Diana Stones Music
The Music 
Actually a lot of the music is up beat and optimistic so figure that one out, I wish I could.Perhaps because music takes me to another place that I can not otherwise occupy, or maybe at the best of times opens a doorway for me.
I think I have drifted through every musical style

Picture for song 'Whispers of the Crescent' by artist 'The Luna Wives'

Whispers of the Crescent

The Luna Wives

We are a folk metal/symphonic rock band

We are a folk metal/symphonic rock band
Once Upon A Yule (2024)
Fate's Calling (2025)

Picture for song 'Tier:89 - Scream' by artist 'Tier89'

Tier:89 - Scream


Some mighty pitch text that makes you want to keep listening to our songs on repeat.

Picture for song 'By The Harbor Side' by artist 'Alexander Molodkov'

By The Harbor Side

Alexander Molodkov

Alexandre from Toronto, Canada, is that rare songwriter whose composing inspiration and virtuoso guitar playing fuses his traditional rock-music heritage with j

Alexandre from Toronto, Canada, is that rare songwriter whose composing inspiration and virtuoso guitar playing fuses his traditional rock-music heritage with jazz and modern pop rhythms into a seamless stream of captivating sounds. Alexander creates his music right from his heart, and all of his songs come with 'super-catchy' melodie...

Picture for song 'We Three Kings' by artist 'NightHawkrock'

We Three Kings


Hot progressive rock band nothing less than hawkrock art rock.  Always working on new material.

NightHawkrock are currently working on new material. With each release, a unique journey, an expansion of genre and technique.
Mission is to journey into the writers unknown, and to exhibit music as it is meant to be; a tasteful art. 
Press reviews:
Band: Nighthawkrock
Song: Leave you Now 
Ok I'm starting to wonder what year it is with today's batch of songs. Here's another tune that

Picture for song 'BenjaminMaster_48kHz_24Bit 902' by artist 'Phil Harmonie Projekt'

BenjaminMaster_48kHz_24Bit 902

Phil Harmonie Projekt

Phil Harmonie und Freunde.

Songs die Genre-Grenzen sprengen.
Im ersten Beruf Tontechnik und Mediengestalter Bild und Ton gelernt, bin ich beruflich inzwischen seit vielen Jahren andere Wege gegangen. 
Als Kind lernte ich Flöte und Posaune und spielte später Bass in einer Band. Nach über 15 Jahren 'Musik-Abstinenz'  habe ich 2023 wieder zur Musik zurück gefunden: Ich lerne in meiner Freizeit Gitarre und schreibe eigene Songs.
 Inspiriert zum 'Phil Harmonie Projekt' hat mich Alan Parson. Die...

$27 Pop 145 BPM