

Industrial merges harsh rhythms with gritty tones. Discover tracks inspired by Nine Inch Nails and Ministry. Free streaming and MP3 downloads on selected tracks available!

Picture for song 'EMPIRacal DaWn' by artist 'Dissolve Into Chaos'

EMPIRacal DaWn

Dissolve Into Chaos

Multi-instrumentalists concept writers in different genres.  Present and past members, - M. Rajnert , L. Gould, M. Moore, D. Exner,  Mark lll, D. Meyers,

96 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Attacke der Urukhai' by artist 'Throne for a Shaman'

Attacke der Urukhai

Throne for a Shaman


Picture for song 'City Life' by artist 'Out Of My Head'

City Life

Out Of My Head

Fun improv jam recorded live. Mistakes included ;-D . . .   Checkout my other SC page. Belly Button ..  https://soundclick.com/bellybutton

Picture for song 'Their Law (Noise Generator Remix)' by artist 'Brainkiller Prodigy'

Their Law (Noise Generator Remix)

Brainkiller Prodigy

The longest running active Prodigy fan community

'So, I've decided to take my work back underground. To stop it falling into the wrong hands.'

Picture for song 'Sojuz' by artist 'Reverend Punk and the Real Dolls'
Picture for song 'Autassassinophiliac (Remix)' by artist 'IRONHAND (Official)'

Autassassinophiliac (Remix)

IRONHAND (Official)

Ironhand was started several years ago when two recluses decided to start writing music together. The sound is defined by their use of cancerous whispers, symph

Our sound is often malicious, always eccentric. With the band's roots in electro-industrial and goth music, today Ironhand defies accurate categorization, composing music ranging from soft, quiet, orchestral pieces to full-out maniacal unholy war. The sound is set apart by their use of cancerous whispers, symphonic instruments, and a

Picture for song 'Ena' by artist 'Yoshikawa-45'



gothic industrial occultic organ choir darkwave

gothic industrial darkwave music
The tune to which I can go mad is made when it is favorite.

Picture for song 'Take the Dirt Nap' by artist 'Baal Mefisto'

Take the Dirt Nap

Baal Mefisto

Experimental Electronic

A one man electronic music project.

Picture for song 'Gift' by artist 'deptiva'



grinding, hypnotic + distorted.

It didn't really start anywhere, it merely came to fruition from various sleazy encounters that I was enjoying with machines in the night.

Picture for song 'Serial Shit' by artist 'LIFO'

Serial Shit


harsh electronic music with a pop appeal

You see a monster coming down the street. It's half animal, half machine and yet human. Disgusting but graceful. You cannot drive your eyes away from it. You like its screams, the way its servomotors rage trying to go faster and faster. You feel the pain, the fear.
LIFO is the combination of harsh electronic music, sound effects and cyberpunk literature.

Picture for song 'Sine Beat' by artist 'E-Hook and Dragon'

Sine Beat

E-Hook and Dragon

Live Industrial Electro-Jazz

E-Hook and Dragon create music as live as possible. All tracks are 'one takes' and recorded live to 2-track. 
The Hague residents..

Picture for song 'PlanetFake' by artist 'SLIMECOP'



Hate-Filled Human Scum

Below is an example of erotic Hot Wheels Attack Pack fanfiction (posted on alt.sex.truckfuckers June 6 1996). A truncated version of this story was performed on track 5 of the 'dismember the '90s?' album, but since it was interrupted by twenty year old dead sperm stuck to the printout, the full version is provided here for historical interest. 
Mary trembled with fear under the white-hot glare of the K.C. lights, clutching her arms around herself as the beast growled.

Picture for song 'SUNCROWDS (Agorafaunic Mix 2)' by artist 'Thee Infernal Practice'

SUNCROWDS (Agorafaunic Mix 2)

Thee Infernal Practice

Picture for song 'STAR TRACKER' by artist 'Papa Dumtek'


Papa Dumtek

Mad scientist of sound coming at you.

I is what I is.

Picture for song 'Hey Yeah!' by artist 'That Man'

Hey Yeah!

That Man

Music by That Man is produced in Drum & Bass, Electro, House, Techno, Trance & Hardcore genres. A Spyda Music Production.

That Man started creating upbeat electro, dnb, progressive house, trance & techno in 2003
The music released is quite varied, from dark electronica, to hauntingly emotional trance
Check out the series of Trance Emotions & Trance Euphoria albums here at SoundClick & at digital stores & platforms worldwide today.
Please join the mailing list for news, info & FREE download...

No samples

Picture for song 'Klangkrawall 10 (Wumms)' by artist 'UmaMu'

Klangkrawall 10 (Wumms)


Uwi macht Musik, weil ihm die neue Normalität zu langweilig ist ;)  Uwi makes music because the new normal is too boring for him ;)

I am an original Berlin veteran with heart and soul. I have lived in Austria since 2007. During the Covid19 lockdown I discovered composing my own music as a hobby.

140 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'tune/IT/OUT' by artist 'No Curfew Kids'


No Curfew Kids

Producer of music since 2013, I make stuff the way that makes sense to me.

I became interested in making music almost as soon as I first fell in love with the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack.  Early attempts at this were switching between tracks on the previewer, some sort of rudimentary DJing.  The common theme with my music despite the jumps in sounds from tracks and albums, is that I approach each song as a sort of art puzzle, where it doesn't particularly matter where the pieces go, if the...

Picture for song 'Dark Remark' by artist 'Aberrant Realities'

Dark Remark

Aberrant Realities

Aberrant Realities is one man studio by Jordan Garner dedicated to making unique and versatile content. Step into the remarkable realities unknown.

Picture for song 'I'm Disappointed!' by artist 'Adam Yips'

I'm Disappointed!

Adam Yips

Adam Yips music is produced in Electro, Pop, Dance, House & Trance genres. A Spyda Music Production.

Adam Yips has been releasing fantastic music on the net since 2003
The genres he  covers are usually upbeat, energetic dance & club sounds, however, he also releases chill out, laid back vibes occassonally too
Please join the mailing list for news, info & FREE downloads of unreleased music only available via the website - https://www.spydamusicproductions.com
Your support of all Spyda Music...

No samples

Picture for song 'ButtWomen' by artist 'Negri Bodies'


Negri Bodies

Experimental/Industrial/Music/Produced and Engineered by Negri Bodies - Producer and Arranger: Hagen Vetter

(Negri Bodies) is an Electronic-Experimental-Industrial-Music-Project
I am an Industrial Hobby Musician from Germany! 
Produced and Engineered by  Negri Bodies - Hagen Vetter

Faith (New Soulful Beats up!)
$29 Hip Hop