Songs I Like
  A playlist by @JBlum
3 songs
Picture for song 'Sunday Blues' by artist 'Art Flower'

Sunday Blues

Art Flower

My music is electronic, ambient, downtempo, chillout, but also progressive rock, rock jazz and soft jazz genre.

I,m making my music by keys, synths, electric guitars and bass guitars. All of them are my own compositions.
In my homepage ( are more songs in hi-res to listen and download.

Blues - Blues Rock

Picture for song 'Another Blue Day' by artist 'Mitch Barr'

Another Blue Day

Mitch Barr

Blues - Blues Rock

Picture for song 'Two Tone Blues' by artist 'Guitarboy'

Two Tone Blues


A solo worth a thousand words
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans a

'A solo worth a thousand words'
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans around the globe to the power of the inspired, creative guitar solo via the internet and live performances in and around his home base of Huntington Beach, CA and  nationally,...

Blues - Blues Rock