3dhavok's station
  A playlist by @3dhavok
11 songs
Picture for song 'backing70' by artist 'Adoderventa'



Beats - Rock

Picture for song 'Away' by artist '2nd Opinion (nl)'


2nd Opinion (nl)

2nd Opinion is a band that in the year 2005, after several changes in membership, has developed into an open-minded, flexible and solid rockband.
2nd Opinion has been influenced by bands such as Queens of the Stone Age, Pearl Jam, Bush, System of a Down and similar alternative rockbands, but has developed its own unique style.
Our music is not suitable for younger listeners, weddings or parties for the elderly. Even though our average age lies around, more or less, approximately, 30 years, we

Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'Superstition' by artist 'carlygtr'



Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'The Ocean' by artist 'carlygtr'

The Ocean


Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'Power Of Soul' by artist 'carlygtr'

Power Of Soul


Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (Bogner)' by artist 'carlygtr'

Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (Bogner)


Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'Huntington Beach Babes LIVE!' by artist 'Guitarboy'

Huntington Beach Babes LIVE!


A solo worth a thousand words
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans a

'A solo worth a thousand words'
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans around the globe to the power of the inspired, creative guitar solo via the internet and live performances in and around his home base of Huntington Beach, CA and  nationally,...

Rock - Progressive Rock

Picture for song 'Guitarboy's Boogie' by artist 'Guitarboy'

Guitarboy's Boogie


A solo worth a thousand words
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans a

'A solo worth a thousand words'
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans around the globe to the power of the inspired, creative guitar solo via the internet and live performances in and around his home base of Huntington Beach, CA and  nationally,...

Rock - Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'THUNDERCLOUD' by artist '70x7'



Since 1996, 70x7 has been reaching out to the world with contemporary music that witnesses to the glory of God.

Seventy Times Seven reaches out to the world with contemporary Christian music that witnesses to the glory of God. The band performs a repertoire that includes over 60 original CCM songs and more than 500 of the most popular Christian songs ever written, ranging from classic hymns to modern praise and worship choruses and CCM hits. 70x7 partners with church ministries and faith-base...

Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'Why Revenge?' by artist 'Kiwimusic'

Why Revenge?


Instrumental mood music from New Age to spine shocking, ass rocking groovy tunez!
Like to and already did create music for movies.

Well... I am playing all instruments alone in my homestudio...
So I am not 'really' a band. But I play all instruments myself...
I like Da kickin'Beatz and also very harmonic and  moody music I have no genre restrictions except techno which I personally sense more to be a noise than 'real' music. But I know there are many others who like it and so I do not want...

Beats - Rock

Picture for song 'Frozen Emotion' by artist 'Kiwimusic'

Frozen Emotion


Instrumental mood music from New Age to spine shocking, ass rocking groovy tunez!
Like to and already did create music for movies.

Well... I am playing all instruments alone in my homestudio...
So I am not 'really' a band. But I play all instruments myself...
I like Da kickin'Beatz and also very harmonic and  moody music I have no genre restrictions except techno which I personally sense more to be a noise than 'real' music. But I know there are many others who like it and so I do not want...

Beats - Smooth