fndrfuzz's station
  A playlist by @fndrfuzz
3 songs
Picture for song 'The Waiting' by artist 'BLP - Brian Lucas Project'

The Waiting

BLP - Brian Lucas Project ,   BLP - Brian Lucas Project

ambient, bluesy, atmospheric guitar

Ambient, Moody... Soulful, Bluesy...
They say that music is the language of the soul, and nothing could be truer for the music of BLP Brian Lucas Project. Brian's music continues to reach people around the world and his song 'Setting Sun' has eclipsed millions of views on YouTube. His latest release, 'Seagull Fly', is a melodic instrumental that captures the spirit of the sacred seagull. 
BLP Official Site

Alternative - Experimental

Picture for song 'Huntington Beach Babes LIVE!' by artist 'Guitarboy'

Huntington Beach Babes LIVE!


A solo worth a thousand words
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans a

'A solo worth a thousand words'
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans around the globe to the power of the inspired, creative guitar solo via the internet and live performances in and around his home base of Huntington Beach, CA and  nationally,...

Rock - Progressive Rock

Picture for song 'HORIZONTAL BLUES collab w/ Giancarlo & D. Carrol' by artist 'Mississippi Vic (spud)'

HORIZONTAL BLUES collab w/ Giancarlo & D. Carrol

Mississippi Vic (spud)

Oops, you have stumbled into  my hidden world of music that I have made (or worked with others to make)  in my little  home studio

Hello,  I am from the deep south in Mississippi and have a lot of country, gospel,  blues, jazz, and some classic pop/rock influences that gets tangled up in my guitar  music. I even mix a little bluegrass pick'n in every once in awhile.

Blues - Blues General