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  A playlist by @t4tx
5 songs
Picture for song ''Cutting Heads' w/ some great Internet Friends' by artist 'Mississippi Vic (spud)'

'Cutting Heads' w/ some great Internet Friends

Mississippi Vic (spud)

Oops, you have stumbled into  my hidden world of music that I have made (or worked with others to make)  in my little  home studio

Hello,  I am from the deep south in Mississippi and have a lot of country, gospel,  blues, jazz, and some classic pop/rock influences that gets tangled up in my guitar  music. I even mix a little bluegrass pick'n in every once in awhile.

Blues - Blues General

Picture for song 'Two Tone Blues' by artist 'Guitarboy'

Two Tone Blues


A solo worth a thousand words
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans a

'A solo worth a thousand words'
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans around the globe to the power of the inspired, creative guitar solo via the internet and live performances in and around his home base of Huntington Beach, CA and  nationally,...

Blues - Blues Rock

Picture for song 'WALKING IN MISSISSIPPI' by artist 'Texas Jake's Houserockers'


Texas Jake's Houserockers

electric slide guitar blues,bass,drums,rythum guitar,harmonica,vocals

Texas Jake (r.n Jake Lee aka King of Slide) is an exceptional blues and slide guitar player. He can write songs that evoke true blues styles and traditions in each and every aspect. There are some real stompin blues tunes too in his catalog that sound every bit like the classics the rest of his songs do but that shouldn't come as much of a surprise. Jake's been 'at it' since he was thirteen years old and since then he's bee...

Blues - Blues General

Picture for song 'Huntington Beach Babes LIVE!' by artist 'Guitarboy'

Huntington Beach Babes LIVE!


A solo worth a thousand words
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans a

'A solo worth a thousand words'
GUITARBOY speaks the universal language of music like no other on an electric six-string. He has reintroduced thousands of fans around the globe to the power of the inspired, creative guitar solo via the internet and live performances in and around his home base of Huntington Beach, CA and  nationally,...

Rock - Progressive Rock

Picture for song 'Too Tired Blues' by artist 'Tom tootired Keller'

Too Tired Blues

Tom tootired Keller

Blues Duo, Trio,some times up to 8 piece
most often called Tom Keller & friends

Band members:Myself,T.Keller:on guitars,bass,drums
also drum machine,recording,mixing,and mastering.
My Son,J.T.Keller:on Harmonica,sax,keys,and vocals

Blues - Country Blues