Jody Skopick
Bolingbrook, IL  USA Joined November11 2003
Creator of Shifting Stones
Take a musical voyage, beyond the moons of Jupiter Nebula. I promote, record, and love, my husband, Gary's music. His band, Gary Skopick's Redshift is like no other sound in this galaxy.
My Music
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Nov 16, 2021
Jody, you are an amazing sound engineer. It all sounds fabulous.
Mary Clare Springer
Dec 22, 2010
Hi Jody, Stopping in to wish you and yours the very happiest of holidays and much success in 2011. Peace, love, and blessings, Mary Clare
Mar 07, 2009
Hey yazz! So Im clearing out my friendslist and message board because its become too long and meaningless. Im writting just to say Ive personally checked you out on here and want to keep you on my list! Ok with that? Laterz MGNS (Id never delete YOU anywaze...ha)
the Markdanyells
Nov 14, 2008
Hi, thanks for adding as friends, have a nice weekend, Danny
Mitchell Jessie
Apr 05, 2008
Thanks for the add! It's great to have you in my little network. Your page is cool, the music is good and I like hangin' out here... It's peaceful... :-) I hope to see you around my little neck of the woods. It's a little louder and wackier over there! Thanks again and hope to hear from you. Peace. Mitchell Jessie
Oct 10, 2007
Stoppin by to say hi to or lovely, blues groovin' friend! Hope your doing, that Redshift is no joke! Good tunes! Best wishes to you from the one and only Cadillac cruisin', guitar bruisin blues rockers, Mike Mac & Sharp Tooth Benny
the lone rearranger
Jul 21, 2007
Hi! Glad to have found you. You're doing some great stuff together. It's good to see your teamwork - hope you make it bigger and bigger... Alan
john williams 68
Feb 08, 2007
Hello Jody, Thank you for the add. I'm John Williams from The Netherlands. A country & western singer. You can look on my other HP: and tell me wat you think. You love music? Keep it country, John.
chris weld
Feb 02, 2007
Thanks for adding me. Your page is very heavenly. Groovy baby... Peace yo' CW
Anthony Mazza
Jan 26, 2007
Hi Jody, I want to thank you also for adding me to your friends. You asked to see a better picture of my Custom Explorer, don't know how to post it. I'll try this weekend to post one in my pictures section of my Anthony Mazza board. By the way it has a custom bookmatched flame top custom red and the neck and heel have both been shaved. It is one slick fast guitar. Thanks again and enjoy your weekend! Tony