Traditional Hawaiian
503 tracks

Traditional Hawaiian World Music is a genre that encompasses the rich musical traditions of the Hawaiian Islands. It celebrates the cultural heritage and indigenous music of Hawaii, including genres like hula, mele, and slack-key guitar. Here are four prominent artists in the Traditional Hawaiian World Music genre:

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Click for the full Traditional Hawaiian  charts
#2 - Soft Drinks of Choice (Luau Version)
#3 - The Golden Bell
#4 - Oi Dur Pahare
#5 - Paradise
#6 - An Island Lullaby
#7 - The Awakening Of The Fire Goddess
#8 - It's too Hot to Even
#9 - Blue Hawaii
#10 - Maui Blues
#11 - Carmela
#12 - He Hawaii Au MFH Version
#13 - Blue Hawaiian Waves
#14 - I let you go (with Slydjook)
#16 - Hands Up
#17 - Patches
#18 - Island Breezes
#19 - Kawai lele O Nu'uanu - Diana and Jerry
#20 - Green Mountains
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Island Serenity
Soft Drinks of Choice (Luau Version)
The Golden Bell
Oi Dur Pahare
An Island Lullaby
The Awakening Of The Fire Goddess
It's too Hot to Even
Blue Hawaii
Maui Blues
He Hawaii Au MFH Version
Blue Hawaiian Waves
I let you go (with Slydjook)
Hands Up
Island Breezes
Kawai lele O Nu'uanu - Diana and Jerry
Green Mountains