4,237 tracks

The music genre Grunge emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s, primarily in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is characterized by its raw and distorted sound, angst-filled lyrics, and a fusion of punk rock, heavy metal, and alternative rock elements. Grunge music often explores themes of alienation, social issues, and personal introspection.

Here are three prominent artists in the Grunge genre:

These artists epitomize the essence of Grunge music, with their distinctive styles, unapologetic lyrics, and the ability to capture the disillusionment and frustration of a generation. Visit their official pages to explore their discography and immerse yourself in the raw power and emotional intensity of Grunge music.

Related: Alternative  *  Alternative General  *  Avant Rock  *  Brit Pop  *  Experimental  *  Indie  *  Alt Power Pop  *  Pop Punk  *  Ska  *  Other Alternative  *  Alternative Cover Songs  *  Post Punk  *  Nu Metal  *  Emo  *  Shoegaze  *  Dance-Punk  *  Goth
Click for the full Grunge  charts
#2 - Lost Lithium (South Duluth)
#3 - Ignoramus
#4 - Pretty
#5 - Back Against A Wall
#6 - Fractured_Lines
#8 - Off-center
#9 - Glitches - The Every Infernal
#10 - Same Kind of Darkness (Mechanic A/DrewNold)
#11 - In death...
#12 - Scaramouch
#13 - FRIEND
#14 - motHER eARTh
#15 - Shattered Faith
#16 - Eulogy
#17 - GRIT
#18 - Blues Knockin' At My Door
#19 - No Man's World
#20 - The Zero Guy
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Moshpit - The Every Infernal