
Picture for song 'A Beginning' by artist 'AmokOpera'

A Beginning

As the overture fades a marching band introduces our hero to the world and he is given some advice


Picture for song 'I Had to Marry You ' by artist 'AmokOpera'

I Had to Marry You

Sometimes there is no choice, or is there? Rebsie Fairholm sings and a Macjams choir lends its voice.


Picture for song 'Lottery of Life ' by artist 'AmokOpera'

Lottery of Life

Our hero wins the lottery but it's not what he expects.


Picture for song 'The Sausage Factory of Fame' by artist 'AmokOpera'

The Sausage Factory of Fame

You think you've made it? Not so fast buddy.

AmokOpera /collab #23 in Alt-Pop

Picture for song 'Dimwitted' by artist 'AmokOpera'


Our hero has discovered he's expendable

Alt-Pop No samples

Picture for song 'Spend it Spend it Spend it' by artist 'AmokOpera'

Spend it Spend it Spend it

A look back to England and past times and friendship

Alt-Pop 153 BPM 4/4 No samples