
Picture for song 'Baby I Need More' by artist 'meglodave'

Baby I Need More

Simple loops Ive used before with one line

Indie 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Not My Mothers Birthday' by artist 'meglodave'

Not My Mothers Birthday

50s progression on piano with vocals

Indie 92 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Time Sensitive' by artist 'meglodave'

Time Sensitive

Some Apple Loops with riffler and virtual drummer

Rock 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Carried Away' by artist 'meglodave'

Carried Away

Couple Apple Loops with slow virtual drummer and keyboard guitar

Indie 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Every Single Time' by artist 'meglodave'

Every Single Time

Basic Apple Loops with virtual drummer

Indie 90 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Eleventh Fire' by artist 'meglodave'

Eleventh Fire

Apple Loops with virtual drummer slowed down a bit

Indie 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Financial Solutions' by artist 'meglodave'

Financial Solutions

Some Apple Loops strung together with virtual drummer

Smooth 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Wheres Daddy?' by artist 'meglodave'

Wheres Daddy?

Apple Loops with virtual drummer

Indie 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Irrelevant Question' by artist 'meglodave'

Irrelevant Question

Apple Loops with virtual drummer

Indie 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'First Love' by artist 'meglodave'

First Love

Apple Loops with virtual drummer

Indie 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Are You With Me' by artist 'meglodave'

Are You With Me

Live Loops grid with lyrics

Indie 96 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Quick and Easy' by artist 'meglodave'

Quick and Easy

Riffler randomize with Apple Loops and virtual drummer

Rock 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Government Issue' by artist 'meglodave'

Government Issue

Couple guitar loops with Riffler bass

Rock 90 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Wicked Clown' by artist 'meglodave'

Wicked Clown

Apple Loops with a trumpet bit

Indie 92 BPM

Picture for song 'Out to Get Me' by artist 'meglodave'

Out to Get Me

Live Loops and Riffler

Indie 87 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Zoe Playtime' by artist 'meglodave'

Zoe Playtime

100% Apple Loops

Indie 87 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Narcissists and Flying Monkeys' by artist 'meglodave'

Narcissists and Flying Monkeys

AI guitar with Apple Loop bass and virtual drummer

Indie 92 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'False Errors' by artist 'meglodave'

False Errors

Loop from loops

Indie 92 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Mere Chaos' by artist 'meglodave'

Mere Chaos

Piano guitar bass

Indie 92 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Am I In It For Life' by artist 'meglodave'

Am I In It For Life

Slow progression on the piano with guitar riffs

Indie 92 BPM 4/4 No samples