Tyrannical Productions

686 - The Butcher Returns
$100 9/24/2022 Beats General

684 - In Memoriam
In loving memory of my best friend who passed away exactly one year ago.
2/3/2022 Beats General

682 - Socially Acceptable Dissonance
$100 1/4/2022 Beats General

681 - Onslaught
$100 12/16/2021 Beats General

680 - Pendulum of Muludnep
$100 8/30/2021 Beats General

679 - Chaotic
$100 6/18/2021 Beats General

678 - Dungeon Crawlers Anonymous
$100 7/3/2020 Beats General

677 - Hope
$100 6/7/2020 Pop

671 - Quarantine
$100 4/12/2020 Beats General

662 - It
$100 2/12/2019 Beats General

660 - Infiltration
$100 2/9/2019 Hip Hop

658 - Rot
$100 1/4/2019 Beats General

657 - Spaghettification
$100 12/31/2018 Beats General

406 - Leviathan (SOLD)
11/20/2016 Beats General

453 - Turmoil (SOLD)
11/20/2016 Beats General

530 - Triumph (SOLD)
11/20/2016 Beats General

66 - Crash Course (SOLD)
10/16/2016 Beats General

371 - Yin (SOLD)
10/16/2016 Beats General

372 - Yang (SOLD)
10/16/2016 Beats General

408 - The Anomaly (SOLD)
10/16/2016 Beats General