Michael Duran

Picture for song 'Dirty Side Down' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Dirty Side Down

4/13/2023 Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Loud & Proud' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Loud & Proud

The title says it all.. TURN IT UP!!!

1/8/2023 Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'Trapped!' by artist 'Michael Duran'


Something wicked for Halloween

10/27/2022 Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

"A Little Night Music" Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

7/16/2022 #21 in Chamber Music

Picture for song 'Twenty Five' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Twenty Five

Congratulations SoundClick for Twenty Five years of great music!

Michael Bennett /collab 7/15/2022 Smooth Jazz

Picture for song 'Starlight' by artist 'Michael Duran'


TriplePlay and Carvin SH65B guitar synth

5/24/2022 #46 in Emo

Picture for song 'Super-Ultra Retro-Modern' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Super-Ultra Retro-Modern

New sounds from TriplePlay and SynthMasterOne, thanks to Mike Bennett for the backing.

Michael Bennett /collab 5/14/2022 #33 in Nu Jazz

Picture for song 'Funeral March of a Marionette' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Funeral March of a Marionette

Best known as the theme music for the television program Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

10/27/2021 #19 in Ensembles

Picture for song 'Children of the Night' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Children of the Night

Outro clip from Bela Lugosi as Dracula (1931)

10/27/2021 Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Viking' by artist 'Michael Duran'


The Vikings were all Scandinavian but not all Scandinavians were Vikings.

10/24/2021 #23 in Nu Metal

Picture for song 'End of Times' by artist 'Michael Duran'

End of Times

But of that day and hour knoweth no man

10/15/2021 Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'The Fury' by artist 'Michael Duran'

The Fury

Soloing over top of Michael Bennett's great backing track.

Michael Bennett /collab 9/1/2021 Hard Rock

Picture for song 'The Color of War' by artist 'Michael Duran'

The Color of War

A vivid documentary on the horrors of war, It seems we never learn...

8/9/2021 Classical Film Score

Picture for song 'Walk Don't Run' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Walk Don't Run

By request, I hope you enjoy the flashback.

8/7/2021 Cover Songs No samples

Picture for song 'Fading Light' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Fading Light

Nightmares are stalking the streets of London

7/24/2021 Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Barking Mad' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Barking Mad

Making some noise

7/17/2021 #31 in Goth Metal No samples

Picture for song 'Tasmanian Habanero' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Tasmanian Habanero

Some like it HOT!!

Michael Bennett /collab 6/30/2021 #35 in Thrash Metal

Picture for song 'Ain't No Thang'' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Ain't No Thang'

Jazz Blues Fusion with Lekzee Patrick on Scat vocals

ALEXIS PATRICK /collab 6/14/2021 Jazz Fusion

Picture for song 'Code Talkers' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Code Talkers

The language they were forbidden to speak, is the same language that saved this nation.

5/27/2021 #22 in Native American

Picture for song 'Leaving Earth' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Leaving Earth

Mixed Emotions on Steroids.

5/21/2021 Emo