Michael Duran

Picture for song 'Dirty Side Down' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Dirty Side Down

Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Loud & Proud' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Loud & Proud

The title says it all.. TURN IT UP!!!

Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'Trapped!' by artist 'Michael Duran'


Something wicked for Halloween

Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

"A Little Night Music" Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

#21 in Chamber Music

Picture for song 'Twenty Five' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Twenty Five

Congratulations SoundClick for Twenty Five years of great music!

Michael Bennett /collab Smooth Jazz

Picture for song 'Starlight' by artist 'Michael Duran'


TriplePlay and Carvin SH65B guitar synth

#46 in Emo

Picture for song 'Super-Ultra Retro-Modern' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Super-Ultra Retro-Modern

New sounds from TriplePlay and SynthMasterOne, thanks to Mike Bennett for the backing.

Michael Bennett /collab #33 in Nu Jazz

Picture for song 'Funeral March of a Marionette' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Funeral March of a Marionette

Best known as the theme music for the television program Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

#19 in Ensembles

Picture for song 'Children of the Night' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Children of the Night

Outro clip from Bela Lugosi as Dracula (1931)

Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Viking' by artist 'Michael Duran'


The Vikings were all Scandinavian but not all Scandinavians were Vikings.

#23 in Nu Metal

Picture for song 'End of Times' by artist 'Michael Duran'

End of Times

But of that day and hour knoweth no man

Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'The Fury' by artist 'Michael Duran'

The Fury

Soloing over top of Michael Bennett's great backing track.

Michael Bennett /collab Hard Rock

Picture for song 'The Color of War' by artist 'Michael Duran'

The Color of War

A vivid documentary on the horrors of war, It seems we never learn...

Classical Film Score

Picture for song 'Walk Don't Run' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Walk Don't Run

By request, I hope you enjoy the flashback.

Cover Songs No samples

Picture for song 'Fading Light' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Fading Light

Nightmares are stalking the streets of London

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Barking Mad' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Barking Mad

Making some noise

#31 in Goth Metal No samples

Picture for song 'Tasmanian Habanero' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Tasmanian Habanero

Some like it HOT!!

Michael Bennett /collab #35 in Thrash Metal

Picture for song 'Ain't No Thang'' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Ain't No Thang'

Jazz Blues Fusion with Lekzee Patrick on Scat vocals

ALEXIS PATRICK /collab Jazz Fusion

Picture for song 'Code Talkers' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Code Talkers

The language they were forbidden to speak, is the same language that saved this nation.

#22 in Native American

Picture for song 'Leaving Earth' by artist 'Michael Duran'

Leaving Earth

Mixed Emotions on Steroids.
