Jav Grojas

Picture for song 'Plasmyods II: Forlorn Asteroid' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods II: Forlorn Asteroid

In the fringes of the system, a lonely asteroid wanders its way, oblivious to the rest of bodies.

#11 in Acoustic Piano No samples

Picture for song 'Above the World' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Plasmyods II: Planet Eventide (Serenade)' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods II: Planet Eventide (Serenade)

Plasmyods encounter a planet surrounded by a complete layer of clouds, beneath which a perpetual eventide happens.

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Plasmyods: 2.Floating in the space' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods: 2.Floating in the space

Endless periods between solar systems. The plasmyods enter a half-alive state, more like dreaming that feeling "awake".

#21 in Downtempo No samples

Picture for song 'Giant planet Jovis transits its sun' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Giant planet Jovis transits its sun

The colossal planet Jovis, in the Gluconia system, is going to majestically transit its sun. This piece belong to the Gluconia's arc.

#13 in Symphonic No samples

Picture for song 'Xiombarg's Fantasy: a Sea made of Silver' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Xiombarg's Fantasy: a Sea made of Silver

This piece is an Intro to "A Sea of Silver", showing Xiombarg's desire to create this unique unnatural object.

#21 in Classical Film Score No samples

Picture for song 'Stalactites' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Stalagmites' by artist 'Jav Grojas'


In the darkness of the cave, there the stalagmites are, below the stylized stalactites, where one can barely see them.

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Sun Rising over the Waters' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Sun Rising over the Waters

New Age No samples

Picture for song 'Fugit 4' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Fugit 4

Quiet and melancholic, like the rest of the Fugit series.

Classical Film Score

Picture for song 'Piano&Synth developments on four descending notes' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Piano&Synth developments on four descending notes

Belongs to the series dedicated a "four descending notes" developments.

Lounge No samples

Picture for song 'Mirror Variations: Nocturna' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Mirror Variations: Nocturna

Belongs to the series "Mirror Variations", that are pieces about a theme in "A World at the Other Side of thee Mirror".

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Floating in the Sky' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Floating in the Sky

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Orbit' by artist 'Jav Grojas'


Floating in orbit in plant Eridanus

New Age No samples

Picture for song 'Walking under the Moonlight' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Walking under the Moonlight

Contemporary No samples

Picture for song 'Exosphere I: Outer Layers' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Exosphere I: Outer Layers

Exosphere: the outer part of the atmosphere, blending into the outer space. Many events happen there, very different events from those in the familiar Troposphere. a) Outer layers b) Particles c) Lines of force

Ambient No samples

Picture for song 'Strolling to Nowhere: II. Noon, meditations in the' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Strolling to Nowhere: II. Noon, meditations in the

Second part in the series "Strolling to Nowhere", a half real , half initiatory journey to somewhere.

Lounge No samples

Picture for song 'Strings developments on four descending notes' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Strings developments on four descending notes

Ensembles No samples

Picture for song 'Aquatic World' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Aquatic World

An aquatic planet. The life thrives with large and with nimble creatures, in any type of shape.

Ambient No samples

Picture for song 'Cold Breeze over Mirror Lake' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Cold Breeze over Mirror Lake

Piercing cold breeze over the Mirror Lake. An unnatural chill, and yet calm, ambient in this multi-world lake. String ensemble and soloists.

Symphonic No samples