Jav Grojas
Plasmyods II: Forlorn Asteroid
In the fringes of the system, a lonely asteroid wanders its way, oblivious to the rest of bodies.
Above the World
Preter World: The Snake of Fire
The Snake of Fire is a formidable creature that stalks and leaps from the molten soil, where it is invisible. It is not clear if there is only one creature or there are several snakes of fire or they are just instances of one Snake.
Plasmyods II: The Dead Planet
The plasmyods arrive to an unfortunate neptunian planet, that went too close to its star and lost most of its dense atmosphere. All that remains is a rotten, cindered core...
For CrisMas
Plasmyods II: Planet Eventide (Serenade)
Plasmyods encounter a planet surrounded by a complete layer of clouds, beneath which a perpetual eventide happens.
Plasmyods: 2.Floating in the space
Endless periods between solar systems. The plasmyods enter a half-alive state, more like dreaming that feeling "awake".
Plasmyods: 3.Entering a new atmosphere
Plasmyods [sic] are magnetic plasmoid matter that behave like living creatures. They usually live in the space, but eventually find and enter a planet.
Giant planet Jovis transits its sun
The colossal planet Jovis, in the Gluconia system, is going to majestically transit its sun. This piece belong to the Gluconia's arc.
Xiombarg's Fantasy: a Sea made of Silver
This piece is an Intro to "A Sea of Silver", showing Xiombarg's desire to create this unique unnatural object.
In the darkness of the cave, there the stalagmites are, below the stylized stalactites, where one can barely see them.
Marismas (Marshland). Part II: By night
Musical landscape of marshland by night. Lonely, quiet, majestic, scary.
Sun Rising over the Waters
Akasome Epopee: Interstellar Ballade
The rogue comet Akasome is expelled of its cluster of stars by gravitational forces. It makes Akasome to pass thousands of years in the rarefied interstellar space, far from any star.
Departure at Dawn: 1. Drifting away
Departures at dawn are, perhaps, the saddest and poignant of all them. This first part is related to the departure itself. Cover image based on a beautiful photo by Irem Isiklar in Pexels.com and retouched by myself.
Departure at Dawn: 2. Yearning
Piano&Synth developments on four descending notes
Belongs to the series dedicated a "four descending notes" developments.